Thursday, June 11, 2009

Learn about The MUCOV Proyect

What is The MUCOV Proyect?

The MUCOV Proyect is a creative initiative that arose from the need to connect with womyn through the power of the word and visual participation. The Proyect seeks to document the lives and experiences of womyn through informal interviews and in the form of open dialogue. MUCOV’ essence is in carrying conversations with a diversity of womyn who will share about their lives, their intimacies, fears, struggles, challenges, dreams, and achievements and above all, what it means to be a womyn in the XXI Century in her own voice and context.

MUCOV was created in the midst of much reflection and took up the arms of words against the silence that has vastly overshadowed womyn’s diverse experiences and stories. In our society/ies, in our mainstream media, and in all those patriarchic structures and paradigms that influence our everyday there is a sustained lack of representation (and recognition) of the experiences of womyn in general.

MUCOV in essence has chosen to eradicate the fear felt against the Other, HER, SHE, and that ONE who crosses your path. Through dialogue we seek to give impetus to social change using the power of the word(s) and through the recognition of the voice of other womyn. We seek to break those barriers perpetrated in society that lead us to ignore each other and to dismiss each other as strangers instead as of sisters/allies. MUCOV has opted NOT TO let borders (real or imagined), systematic or ideological, structural, invisible or social ones separate us from HER.

What inspired MUCOV?

Our reality and the silence that surrounds our own experiences as womyn, and the belief that there are so many experiences that need to be heard, shared, and documented inspired the creation of The MUCOV Proyect. We believe that in general, in the world, in our countries, in our cities, in our towns, and in our neighborhoods womyn are not recognized for who they are, for what they have created, for what they have contributed, or for what they are capable of manifesting everyday, every minute, and every second that passes by unnoticed.

The MUCOV Proyect seeks to directly affect the culture of fear by listening to the voices that will battle the silence that has systematically excluded the experiences of womyn throughout HIS/Story. Thus, we believe that by sharing HERSTORY, through the voices of a diversity of womyn, waves of social CHANGE can be inspired.

Why Latin-America?

We have beun a journey through some countries in Latin-America, starting from the tip of South America. Latin-America has historically and presently been seen as the neighborhood lab rat for the U.S., valued only in its ¨third world¨ contexts, where cheap labor is exported. Moreover, the Americas has been exploited greatly and it is still largely suffering from poverty, corruption, and corporate investments. It is the setting for much of U.S. foreign policy where war tactics continue to be the main component of Big Brother’s interest.

We, as MUCOV can not disregard the experiences that take place south of the U.S. Border. We feel that Latin-America should also be seen through different eyes and we chose to focus on the lives and experiences of womyn. Through their voices we hope to learn more about their lives in their contexts.

HERSTORIES provide a diversity of examples about the numerous experiences of womyn to audiences in their own countries and in the United States.

Read the small print: We also believe that most people that make-up the U.S. population are not always interested, exposed to, or stimulated to think, observe and learn from their neighbors or those seen outside of their comfort level and/or geographical borders. We want to create connections that can teach us more about their reality and break those barriers that divide us.

HOW will the MUCOV Proyect be Possible?

We have begun to travel by land through South America documenting HERSTORIES with audio-visual techniques in the form of film, photography, writing, and our own recorded memories. We are traveling by road, taking many buses, stopping in random cities, rural areas, corners, stores, houses, etc. all along the way. We believe that one womyn will lead us to another and we will follow that path to reach other stories. Where there is no path, we will create one. Thus, we will go about with the MUCOV Proyect eliminating barriers, challenging our own socially constructed fears, and breaking the silences that have created a veil between Herstory and Us (all of US).


We believe that all womyn, with our infinite and diverse experiences, can continue to influence society and produce critical analysis about the indispensable roles that we play everyday; for example: the womyn who is collecting cans in the trash bins, contributing to the recycling system, and uses the cash earned to buy food from the other lady who sells tamales on the street, to the activist who is a single mom, going to college, and working part-time as a bar tender besides doing her volunteering community work.

With your help we can continue documenting HERSTORY and making it available in various creative spaces for other womyn. Our aim is to collect $5,000 to cover mostly transportation fees, and the equipment.

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